This year Murder Mystery, “The Disappearance of Death” was performed on November 6th. The cast consisted of Jenny Suttle, Stacy Kunze, Katie Cox, Marissa Schott, Matt Law, Ryan Butler, Jarrett Riley and Alec James. We started off the evening socializing then headed upstairs for the intro before the private detectives were allowed to start asking questions. At the end of the night the Police Chief (Alec) announced that it was Ivan Radinski (Ryan) that murdered his cousin and Ivan was placed in custody. The private detective that solved the case was Mr. John Kunze. The investigation if Stacy Kunze (Baroness) had anything to do with hints was closed the minute it opened because none of the characters knew who the murder was until it was announced that night. It was a night of relatives but the Kunze clan is clean. Everyone had a really good time and the evening went wonderful. The cast had a blast and they all performed amazingly. Thank you to everyone who was involved!
[Written by Katy Riley for the December 2010 Newsletter, which can be found here]