Upcoming Events

Rock Band

Saturday, January 9 7:30 pm

Saturday Night is Rock Band night at the CSF! And what's different about this Rock Band Night, as opposed to others? Well, we're gonna suggest you dress up...like Rockers! That's right, go all rock and roll (but still appropriate, lol) if you fee like it, and we'll rock till we drop!

Back To School Party

Friday, January 15, 7:00 pm

Our first big event of 2010...and we're celebrating a new year, with a brand new tournament. We're playing ping pong, Olympic style round robin...where every point counts. Think you're not very good at ping pong? That's ok, it's the kind of sport where you still have fun even though you're missing every ball (I know that from experience), and your team will root you on till the end! Just not into ping pong? Come and enjoy the show! We'll have Kool Aid ;)